Male Breast Reduction
Gynecomastia, or excess development of breast tissue, occurs in as many as 40-60% of men.This condition can cause extreme embarrassment, social inhibition and self- consciousness for boys and men who suffer from it.You should first consult with your Summit Plastic Surgery physician to rule out a more serious condition such as liver or endocrine disease. If you are otherwise healthy, breast reduction surgery may significantly help your appearance and self-image.This procedure is used to remove fat and/or glandular tissue from the breasts. In extreme cases, skin is removed as well. The result is a flatter, firmer and more masculine-looking chest.
Male Breast Reduction Before and After Pictures
Patient Information
Male Breast Reduction
29 yr.
4 months post-op

Patient Information
Male Breast Reduction
42 yr.
4 months post-op

Patient Information
Male Breast Reduction
40 yr.
1.5 months post-op

Patient Information
Male Breast Reduction
15 yr.
2 months post-op

Patient Information
Male Breast Reduction
32 yr.
6′ 1″
245 #
Bilateral excision gynecomastia.
10 months post-op

Male Breast Reduction: Common Questions
Am I a good candidate for a breast reduction?
If you have enlarged breasts or over developed breasts, you are self conscious about your chest, or avoid certain physical activities, this procedure may address those concerns.
Will my insurance cover the surgery?
No, insurance companies determine this procedure to be not medically necessary.
Where will the surgery be performed?
The surgery will be done at the fully accredited Southwest Surgical Suites. You would have a general anesthesia and go home one to two hours after surgery.
Can I drive myself to and from the surgery?
No, you must have someone over the age of eighteen to drive you home. You also need someone to be with you for the first twenty four hours after surgery.
How long will I be off work?
The doctors recommend one to two weeks off work depending on which technique you require.
What will my restrictions be after surgery?
You will be walking the day of surgery. The doctors recommend not lifting more than ten pounds for the first two weeks. Usually you can do most normal activities after four weeks.
If I lose weight after a breast reduction surgery will it affect my breasts?
Yes, your breasts will change with any weight gain or loss. It would be best if you were close to your goal weight before having the surgery.