Before and After pictures
Medical Pictures , must be 18 to proceed.
Breast Lift
A breast lift is performed for a variety of reasons, which may include post pregnancy, breastfeeding, and significant weight changes.A breast lift will lift the nipple to the level of the fold underneath the breast. The shape, not the volume of the breast, will be changed. The breast will lose some of its elasticity.Some women choose this procedure in combination with a breast augmentation(enlargement) to increase the volume. There are different techniques and incisions depending on the degree of drooping (Ptosis). During your initial consultation, a Summit Plastic Surgery surgeon will discuss all of your options and provide you with a realistic set of expectations.
Breast Lift: Common Questions
Am I a candidate for a breast lift?
A breast lift is for any woman who has lost the firmness and shape of her breasts due to weight loss, pregnancy, and aging. The best candidates are healthy and do not smoke.
Would I also need an implant?
Often the breast lift is enough. The loose skin can be tightened and reshaped as well as the nipple areola complex lifted up to its youthful position. An implant can be added if you’d like more volume.
How bad are the incisions?
Your physician will suggest one of three types of breast lifts depending on your specific needs. The smallest lift requires an incision around the areola only. The modified lift requires the areola incision plus an incision down the center of the front of the breast. The full lift requires both of these incisions with an anchor shaped incision under the full breast just above the crease. All the incisions heal and hopefully fade, but it does require some time.
How long will I be off work?
Doctors recommend one to two weeks if you do not do any heavy lifting or repetitious arm movements.
What will be my restrictions after surgery?
For the first two to three weeks the doctors recommend not lifting more than ten pounds, no bending, and no straining. The doctors want you up walking around short distances soon after surgery. You can drive after two weeks if you are not taking any prescribed pain medications, and you feel confident enough to handle any emergencies.
What size bra will I wear after surgery?
Your size probably won’t change much, just the shape. The doctor will be concentrating on restoring the youthful look.
Can I still breast feed?
Yes, that should not be affected. Remember breast feeding, pregnancy and weight changes can affect the size and shape of your newly lifted breasts.
Is this an outpatient procedure?
Yes, surgery will last three to four hours. You will then be in recovery for one to two hours before you are allowed to leave with an adult over eighteen to drive you home. You will need someone to stay with you for the first twenty four hours after anesthesia.
How do I sleep after this procedure?
You will be placed in a surgical bra much like a sports bra after your surgery. You will keep this on all the time until your first post op appointment in about one week. You will need to sleep on your back for the first few weeks to protect the incisions and avoid scarring.
Will I lose nipple sensation?
Patients usually do not loose the feeling in the nipple or areola. If you would, it usually comes back very slowly and could take up to a year to get full sensation back. You’ll have to avoid sex for two to three weeks, and be careful with your breasts even longer.